
My publications are listed below and my academic performance metrics are available on Google Scholar here.
A call for governments to pause Twitter censorship: a cross-sectional study using Twitter data as social-spatial sensors of COVID- 19/SARS-CoV-2 research diffusion.
Patel VM, Haunschild R, Bornmann L, Garas G.
Scientometrics 2021: (33678927)
Are papers addressing certain diseases perceived where these diseases are prevalent?
Bornmann L, Haunschild R, Patel VM.
PLOS One. 2020: 15(11): e0242550. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242550. (33216816)
Are disruptive innovations recognised in healthcare literature? – A systematic review.
Sounderajah V, Patel VM, Harling, L, Darzi A, Ashrafian H.
BMJ Innovations. 2020: (1):208-216. doi: 10.1136/bmjinnov-2020-000424. (33489312)
Surgical innovation in the era of global surgery: A network analysis.
Garas G, Cingolani I, Patel VM, Panzarasa P, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
Annals of Surgery. 2020: 271(5): 868-874 doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003164. (30601251)
Process transformation is required to quantify surgical innovation in the era of data intelligence.
Garas G, Patel VM, Cingolani I, Panzarasa P, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
Future of Surgery. Royal College of Surgeons. 2019
Quantifying the impact on research and the policy implications of Brexit: A network and simulation study.
Garas G, Cingolani I, Patel VM, Panzarasa P, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
BMJ Open. 2019: 9(9): e025025. (31506256)
The effects of collaborative and authorship practices on scientific success in biomedical research.
Patel VM, Panzarasa P, Ashrafian H, Evans T, Kirresh A, Sevdalis N, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
J R Soc Med. 2019: 112(6), 245-257. (31163118)
Mentoring perception, scientific collaboration and research performance: is there a gender gap in academic medicine? An Academic Health Science Centre perspective.
Athanasiou T, Patel VM, Garas G, Ashrafian H, Hull L, Sevdalis N, Harding S, Darzi A, Paroutis S.
Postgrad Med J. 2016: 92(1092): 581-6. (27531963)
Leadership behaviours and healthcare research performance: prospective correlational study.
Patel VM, Ashrafian H, Uzoho C, Nikiteas N, Panzarasa P, Sevdalis N, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
Postgrad Med J. 2016: 92(1093): 663-669. (27190092)
Mentoring perception, scientific collaboration and research performance: is there a gender gap in academic medicine? An Academic Health Science Centre perspective.
Athanasiou T, Patel VM, Garas G, Ashrafian H, Shetty K, Sevdalis N, Panzarasa P, Darzi A, Paroutis S.
Postgrad Med J. 2016: 92(1092): 597-602. (26994000)
Quality of life after intervention on the thoracic aorta.
Jarral OA, Kidher E, Patel VM, Nguyen B, Pepper J, Athanasiou T.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2016: 49(2): 369-389. (25855594)
Aortic stiffness is related to the ischemic brain injury biomarker N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibody levels in aortic valve replacement.
Kidher E, Patel VM, Nihoyannopoulos P, Anderson JR, Chukwuemeka A, Francis DP, Ashrafian H, Athanasiou T.
Neurol Res Int. 2014: 970793. (25054065)
What factors influence British medical students' career intentions?
Ibrahim M, Fanshawe A, Patel VM, Goswami K, Chilvers G, Ting M, Pilavakis Y, Rao C,
Medical Teacher 2014: 36(12): 1064-72. (24934092)
Quality assessment of guidelines on thromboprophylaxis in orthopaedic surgery.
Sabharwal S, Gauher S, Kyriacou S, Patel VM, Holloway I, Athanasiou T.
Bone Joint J 2014: 96(1): 19-23. (24395305)
Enhancing the h index for the objective assessment of healthcare researcher performance and impact.
Patel VM, Ashrafian H, Bornmann L, Mutz R, Makanjuola J, Skapinakis P, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
J R Soc Med. 2013: 106(1): 19-29. (23358276)
Measuring academic performance for healthcare researchers with the H index: which search tool should be used?
Patel VM, Ashrafian H, Almoudaris A, Makanjuola J, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
Med Princ Pract. 2013: 22(2): 178-83. (22964880)
Body mass index category as a risk factor for colorectal adenomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Okabayashi K, Ashrafian H, Hasegawa H, Yoo JH, Patel VM, Harling L, Rowland SP, Ali M, Kitagawa Y, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
Am J Gastroenterol. 2012: 107(8): 1175-85. (22733302)
Evidence-based surgery: barriers, solutions, and the role of evidence synthesis.
Garas G, Ibrahim A, Ashrafian H, Ahmed K, Patel VM, Okabayashi K, Skapinakis P, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
World J Surg 2012: 36(8): 1723-31. (22535211)
An unusual presentation of late oesophagojejunal anastomotic leak after total D2 gastrectomy.
Verma AR, Patel VM, Mikhail S, Zacharakis E.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2012: 94(2): e106-8. (22391379)
Does Heller's myotomy
provide superior clinical outcome in comparison to botulinum toxin injection for treatment of achalasia?:
Best evidence topic (BET).
Fovos A, Jarral O, Patel VM, Podas T, Spalding D, Zacharakis E.
International journal of surgery 2012: 10(3): 120. (22327009)
Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Quantification: Repeatability of Measurements in Selected Liver Segments and Influence of Age, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Liver Capsule-to- Box (CB) Distance.
Jaffer O, Lung PFC, Bosanac D, Patel VM, Ryan SM, Heneghan MA, Quaglia A, Sidhu PS.
Br J Rad 2012: 85(1018): e858-63. (22763032)
Safety of training and assessment in operating theatres – a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Ahmed K, Ashrafian H, Harling L, Patel VM, Rao C, Darzi A, Hanna GB, Punjabi P, Athanasiou T.
Perfusion 2012: 28(1): 76-87. (23015638)
Total adventitial resection of the cardia: 'optimal local resection' for tumours of the oesophagogastric junction.
Botha AJ, Odendaal W, Patel VM, Watcyn-Jones T, Mahadeva U, Chang F, Deere H.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2011: 93(8): 608-14. (22041237)
Specialist anatomy: Is the structure of teaching adequate?
Ahmed K, Rowland S, Patel VM, Ashrafian H, Davies DC, Darzi A, Athanasiou T, Paraskeva P.
Surgeon 2011: 9(6): 312-7. (22041643)
How can we build mentorship in surgeons of the future?
Patel VM, Warren OJ, Ahmed K, Humphris P, Abassi S, Ashrafian H, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
ANZ Surg 2011: 81(6): 418-424. (22295342)
A framework to establish a mentoring programme in surgery.
Kirresh A, Patel VM, Warren OJ, Ali M, Ashrafian H, Almoudaris A, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
A framework to establish a mentoring programme in surgery. Lang Arch Surg 2011: 396(6): 811-7. (21626224)
Nobel Prizes in Medicine: Are Clinicians Out of Fashion?
Ashrafian H, Patel VM, Skapinakis P, Athanasiou T.
J Roy Soc Med 2011: 104(9): 387-9. (21881091)
How has healthcare research performance been assessed? – a systematic review.
Patel VM, Ashrafian H, Ahmed K, Arora S, Jiwan S, Nicholson J, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
J Roy Soc Med 2011: 104(6): 251-61. (21659400)
Protective effects of bariatric procedures.
Ashrafian H, Ahmed K, Rowland SP, Patel VM, Gooderham NJ, Holmes E, Darzi A, Athanasiou T.
Cancer. 2011: 117(9): 1788-99. (21509756)
A competency framework in cardiothoracic surgery for training and revalidation - an international comparison.
Wang TT, Ahmed K, Patel VM, Harling L, Jawad M, Darzi A, von Segesser LK, Athanasiou T.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2011: 40(4): 816-825. (21354810)
Conversion and safety in off-pump coronary artery bypass: a system failure that needs re-emphasis.
Mukherjee D, Ahmed K, Baig K, Patel VM, Darzi A, Athanasiou
Ann Thorac Surg 2011: 91(2): 630-9. (21256340)
Development of a surgical educational research program-fundamental principles and challenges.
Ahmed K, Ibrahim A, Anderson O, Patel VM, Zacharakis E, Darzi A, Paraskeva P, Athanasiou T.
J Surg Res. 2011: 167(2): 298-305. (21236444)
What does leadership in surgery entail?
Patel VM, Warren O, Humphris P, Ahmed K, Ashrafian H, Rao C, Athanasiou T, Darzi A.
ANZ Surg 2010: 80(12): 876-883. (21114726)
Leadership in cardiac surgery.
Rao C, Patel VM, Ibrahim M, Ahmed K, Wong KA, Darzi A, von Segesser LK, Athanasiou T.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2010: 39(6): 905-11. (20884217)
Is the structure of anatomy curriculum adequate for safe medical practice?
Ahmed K, Rowland S, Patel VM, Khan RS, Ashrafian H, Davies DC, Darzi A, Athanasiou T, Paraskeva PA.
Surgeon 2010: 8(6): 318-24. (20950770)
The role of single-incision laparoscopic surgery in abdominal and pelvic surgery: a systematic review.
Ahmed K, Wang TT, Patel VM, Nagpal K, Clark J, Ali M, Deeba S, Ashrafian H, Darzi A, Athanasiou T, Paraskeva P.
Surg Endosc 2010: 25(2): 378-396. (20623239)
Current status of robotic assisted pelvic surgery and future developments.
Ahmed K, Khan MS, Vats A, Nagpal K, Priest O, Patel VM, Vecht JA, Ashrafian H, Yang GZ, Athanasiou T, Darzi A.
Int J Surg 2009: 7(5): 431-40. (19735746)
Transhiatal esophagectomy in a high volume institution.
Davies AR, Forshaw MJ, Khan AA, Noorani A, Patel VM, Strauss D, Mason RC.
World J Surg 2008; 6: 88. (18715498)
Crohn’s Disease (internet viewing).
Shenker N, Nikolopoulos I, Patel VM.
Ann RCSEng 2007: 89(4): 445. (PMC 1963562)
Haemorrhoids (internet viewing).
Nikolopoulos I, Patel VM, Forshaw MJ.
Ann RCSEng 2007: 89(3): 328. (PMC 1964719)
Superficial venous pathology in the Asian population of South West London – a prospective study.
Subramanian A, Patel VM, Jacob J, Myles F, Derodra J.
Eur J Vasc Surg 2007: 33(6): 747-50. (17270472)
Outcome of patients on renal replacement therapy after colorectal surgery.
Krysa J, Patel VM, Taylor J, Williams A, Carapeti E, George M.
Dis Col Rec 2008: 51(6): 961-965. (18288538)
Ottawa ankle rules and the use of radiography in acute ankle injuries.
Patel VM, Subramanian A.
CME Orthopaedics 2007: 4(3): 65-67.
Rectus sheath closure after reversal of abdominal stomas.
Patel VM, Kmiot W.
Ann RCSEng 2007: 89(2): 178. (PMC 1964578)
Localized pseudopolyposis in ulcerative colitis mimicking colonic carcinoma.
Patel VM, Lee L, Chanouzas D, Moynihan A, Carapeti E.
CME Gastroenterology 2007: 8(1): 15-18.
Renal failure post cardiac surgery.
Patel VM, Kmiot W.
Ann RCSEng 2007: 89(2): 178. (PMC1964578)
A wandering fish bone.
Patel VM, Barai RS, Thomas PR.
Postgrad Med J 2006: 82: e9. (16679464)